Getting Care

Driving Directions

From Mississippi Gate

  • Building 600
    • Med-Group North is located at 275 S Aspen Street.
    • From the Mississippi Gate stay straight on Aspen.
    • You will pass the Space Wing Headquarters on the left.
    • Immediately after the HQ, you will see Aspen Way on your left.
    • Take a left immediately after Aspen Way directly into the Building 600 parking lot.
  • Building 392
    • Med-Group South is located on 18230 E Silvercreak Street.
    • From the Mississippi Gate stay straight on Aspen for about 1/2 mile.
    • Take the first left onto Aspen Way.
    • Take the next left onto E Silvercreek Street.
    • The road will curve right as it ends directly into the Building 392 parking lot.
  • Pharmacy
    • The Pharmacy is located on 317 North Telluride Street, Building 7.
    • Travel 1.5 miles and then take the last left before the 6th Avenue Gate onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • The Pharmacy is located next to the Buckley Commissary.
  • Building 35
    • Physical Therapy / Education and Training is located on 17890 E Steamboat Avenue.
    • Travel 1.5 miles and then take the last left before the 6th Avenue Gate onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • PT and Education and Training are located in the Fitness Center on the right just before Telluride Street.

From 6th Avenue Gate

  • Building 600
    • Med-Group North is located at 275 S Aspen Street.
    • From the Main Gate on 6th Avenue stay straight on Aspen Way for about one mile.
    • After passing A Basin Avenue on the right, take the next right directly into the Building 600 parking lot.
  • Building 392
    • Med-Group South is located on 18230 E Silvercreak Street.
    • From the 6th Avenue Gate, stay straight on Aspen Way for about one mile.
    • Turn right onto Aspen Way and continue.
    • Take the first right turn onto Beaver Creek Street and then the next available left turn onto Copper Mountain Street.
    • Follow the curve and the parking lot entrance will be on the right.
  • Pharmacy
    • The Pharmacy is located on 317 North Telluride Street, Building 7.
    • From the 6th Avenue Gate, turn right onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • PT and Education and Training are located in the Fitness Center on the right just before Telluride Street.
  • Building 35
    • Physical Therapy / Education and Training is located on 17890 E Steamboat Avenue.
    • Take your first right onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • PT and Education and Training are located in the Fitness Center on the right just before Telluride Street.

Buckley Space Force Base Information


Appointment Line: Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

Telephone Number(s)

Well Line: 720-847-WELL (9355)


  • Building 600: 275 S Aspen Street, Aurora, Colorado 80011
  • Building 392: 18230 E Silvercreak Street, Aurora, Colorado 80011
  • Building 35: 17890 E Steamboat Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80011
  • Pharmacy (Building 7): 317 North Telluride Street, Aurora, Colorado 80011
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.