Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until March 31 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Getting Care

Driving Directions

From Mississippi Gate

  • Building 600
    • Med-Group North is located at 275 S Aspen Street.
    • From the Mississippi Gate stay straight on Aspen.
    • You will pass the Space Wing Headquarters on the left.
    • Immediately after the HQ, you will see Aspen Way on your left.
    • Take a left immediately after Aspen Way directly into the Building 600 parking lot.
  • Building 392
    • Med-Group South is located on 18230 E Silvercreak Street.
    • From the Mississippi Gate stay straight on Aspen for about 1/2 mile.
    • Take the first left onto Aspen Way.
    • Take the next left onto E Silvercreek Street.
    • The road will curve right as it ends directly into the Building 392 parking lot.
  • Pharmacy
    • The Pharmacy is located on 317 North Telluride Street, Building 7.
    • Travel 1.5 miles and then take the last left before the 6th Avenue Gate onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • The Pharmacy is located next to the Buckley Commissary.
  • Building 35
    • Physical Therapy / Education and Training is located on 17890 E Steamboat Avenue.
    • Travel 1.5 miles and then take the last left before the 6th Avenue Gate onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • PT and Education and Training are located in the Fitness Center on the right just before Telluride Street.

From 6th Avenue Gate

  • Building 600
    • Med-Group North is located at 275 S Aspen Street.
    • From the Main Gate on 6th Avenue stay straight on Aspen Way for about one mile.
    • After passing A Basin Avenue on the right, take the next right directly into the Building 600 parking lot.
  • Building 392
    • Med-Group South is located on 18230 E Silvercreak Street.
    • From the 6th Avenue Gate, stay straight on Aspen Way for about one mile.
    • Turn right onto Aspen Way and continue.
    • Take the first right turn onto Beaver Creek Street and then the next available left turn onto Copper Mountain Street.
    • Follow the curve and the parking lot entrance will be on the right.
  • Pharmacy
    • The Pharmacy is located on 317 North Telluride Street, Building 7.
    • From the 6th Avenue Gate, turn right onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • PT and Education and Training are located in the Fitness Center on the right just before Telluride Street.
  • Building 35
    • Physical Therapy / Education and Training is located on 17890 E Steamboat Avenue.
    • Take your first right onto Steamboat Avenue.
    • PT and Education and Training are located in the Fitness Center on the right just before Telluride Street.

Buckley Space Force Base Information


Appointment Line: Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

Telephone Number(s)

Well Line: 720-847-WELL (9355)


  • Building 600: 275 S Aspen Street, Aurora, Colorado 80011
  • Building 392: 18230 E Silvercreak Street, Aurora, Colorado 80011
  • Building 35: 17890 E Steamboat Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80011
  • Pharmacy (Building 7): 317 North Telluride Street, Aurora, Colorado 80011
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.